I decided that it was time to start cleaning up
some of the rusty parts that have accumulating since I started
working on things, especially 'the53'. A sandblasting cabinet would
be great, but just not practical. It's not the cabinet itself, it's
the sound level of the air compressor required to operate one.
After thinking about for a bit I decided to go the Tumbler/Vibrator
route. A thread on the MG UKBBS came along recently and gave some
very good leads. Ideally, the best bet would probably be to
purchase a system from Eastwood for about $200. Most of the times
that I purchase things from Eastwood I wind up being flabbergasted
at their shipping and handling costs. Through the BBS thread I
ended up searching out other sources.
Just about that time I received another one of
the endless catalogs/flyers that I get from Harbor Freight. This
flyer had an ad in it for a Vibratory Tumbler System (Item #93252)
for $49.99. They also offered 5 pounds of Abrasive Media (Item
#93832) for $16.99. Shipping was only $8.99, totaling $75.97. It
arrived today, 8/21/08.
below are thumbnails, just click on them to enlarge)
Here's what I got for the money:
The opening is 8" in diameter:

The media that came with it looks like this:
I decided to give it a try, so I dug up a few rusty
parts from 'the53:

and loaded them in:

After 1 hour I found this, not a lot of progress:
and here's what I found after 3 hours:
Must say that I'm a bit impressed by what's happening. There
was a lot of concern about the tumbler walking all over the floor or
bench. I'm not finding that at all. For the first hour I had
the machine just sitting on the concrete floor and fully expected it to
start moving around. Not a bit. Next two hours were operated
with the machine on a rubber pad on top of a work bench. No motion
problems. Only problem I'm seeing so far is in trying to remember
how many pieces I put into it.
I have no involvement whatsoever with Harbor Freight except as an
occasional customer. Information on Harbor Freight can be had from
their website
(508) 746-6735
email to:Bud@Ttalk.info
created August 21, 2008