Car Lists For your information there are two car lists presented on
Ttalk, MersonTDList.htm and TFList.htm. Both are also viewable as .xls Excel files Please be certain to
refresh your browser before viewing the lists. MersonTDList has been a list of TDs
compiled by a TD enthusiast named George Merson. George had been providing
the list of TD owners since 2005 and has now retired. Hopefully, another
enthusiast will show up and take over where George left off. I'll continue
to publish the list on Ttalk for as long as I can. The TD List will now be
maintained as a spreadsheet using Excel. I have bee n using Excel 2003 because
it allows me to readily create the webpage (.htm) version. The webpage version is back. New problem is with the Excel
version. I hope that you Excel users can continue to open the 2003
version. Today's, 9/17/2023 version
lists 3169 cars. I'll try to continue updating
the Excel version with a reasonably up-to-date version of Excel. For any additions or
corrections please email me at
Bud. To view the TD list as
a webpage click MersonTDList.htm To view the TD list as an Excel
spreadsheet click MersonTDList.xls (you'll need
an Excel-type program to view it) For Excel 2007 Use:
MersonTDList.xlsx ************** The other is the list of TFs that had
been compiled by Jeff Payne. For the past few years the TF list has been
compiled by Rick Taylor. As compiled, the TFList contains information on
1,540 TFs. To view the latest TF file as a webpage
click here TFList.htm Try this - you
can download
the latest TF list in Excel by clicking here
TFList.xls Click here on his name to email
Rick Taylor for additions, changes or corrections. Please note that these lists are being compiled by their
respective authors and are being displayed on this site strictly for
convenience. The contents of the lists are strictly in the hands of those
individuals and they should be contacted directly for any further information,
corrections, additions, etc., etc., etc.