TD Bonnet Prop by Cliff Harvey
Sorry, folks. Cliff is no longer making these.
Here's my design for a TD (or TC) bonnet (hood) support for possible inclusion on your
'Bonnet Prop' page, they are particularly good for display at
shows and for most jobs in the garage. I make them from Silicone
rubber with a strong magnet moulded within, they simply sit on
the corner of the tool box lid, they won't move during driving
and they certainly don't move when in use as the weight of the
bonnet presses the anti-slip silicone even harder on the metal
I think supporting the heavy end of
the bonnet is preferable to a front support (just my opinion). I
can be contacted at cliffharvey(at) (replace '(at)'
with @) or check out Ebay searching for 'MG Support Cushion'.
Regards, Cliff Harvey, England.